By Laure Locascio 09/17/2023
Trying a new technique (for me), something a little lighter and different.
The painting shows the sun, with the rays of light, the atmosphere, with its layers (although all the layers are not presented) beginning with the upper troposphere towards space, and the Continental lithosphere shown by the green area. The lower troposphere is the area with the birds, showing the particles.
For the lines, I wasn't able to use acrylic ink pen because I don't have any right now. I had to follow the lines with a brush.
I used liquitex basics for everything except the area next to the birds, I used Weisbrandt burnt sienna, but when I tinted the color, it was not the color I wanted. So I switched to Artist Loft Level 3 burnt sienna. I'm really happy with the way it turned out, especially the birds. When I first started imagining how to do this painting, I wanted the birds silhouette and I'm pleased with how they look so natural.
The painting will be signed. (right now, I just used text).

Do you enjoy watching birds?
I'm not sure