Who is the artist, Laure (Laur) Locascio? I am the owner of Lisual Art LLC. I just started this business in 2021. I have worked many jobs and my latest position was teaching high school students. My main area of focus is science, which I love.
I've always enjoyed art. When I was young, I did pen and ink (India ink). Just a note, always use paper under the work in case the ink spills.
Unfortunately, as I got older, my eyesight is not perfect anymore. To work with pen and ink, you really need to have perfect vision and see details. Or that is just my thought.
Painting is working better with my eyesight now.
Why am I using acrylic for painting? Since I am new at painting, I want to gain experience. I want to try different styles and learn as much as possible. I'm reading as I go along. I'm studying different artists and studying art history. Even the Assyrian art.
Why am I using 8"x10" flat canvas panels? Painting is expensive. I want to be able to share my art with others. 8"x10" is a good size, I feel, for gaining experience. The flat panels are nice to work with.
My goal is to achieve 1000 paintings. One thing I've learned with teaching is that practice helps. I want to experience different styles, different art styles, and find out what works well for me. Once I feel comfortable with my artistic style, then I want to expand and experiment with different sizes and different mediums, such as oils. Especially since oil is expensive.
